Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog 5

I choose the children’s book I Went Walking, Sali de paseo by Sue Williams. This book is great for Preproduction and Early Production staged learners. The rhythm of the book is slow and easy. It has a similar pattern to Brown Bear Brown Bear by Eric Carle. The book I Went Walking, Sali de paseo relies heavily on pictures and sight words while implementing new vocabulary words about farm life. I like to read this book to Kindergartners and younger children prior to our “Living on a Farm” unit. On each page, I would read the English and then the Spanish texts. This makes it so that all my students are at the same point of the book at the same time. For the activity, I would pair the students a more fluent reader with a ELL learner or lower leveled reader. Their task would be to draw and label an event that happened in the book. For extra credit, students could write Spanish text along with the English text.

The next book I choose was On the Banks of the Amazon, En las orillas del Amazonas by Nancy Kelly Allen. This is a great book for English and Spanish speakers who want to learn about the various animals that live in the Amazon. The beginning of each paragraph is repeated throughout the book. When I listen to students read this book, I noticed that both English and ELL students read both the English and Spanish text. I found this interesting that given the opportunity, most of the students attempted to read the unknown language.


  1. I like that you included bilingual texts to level the playing field for both ELL and monolingual (English) students. This is a great way to make both groups feel valued in the classroom. It reminded me of this site:

    This is a bilingual website that features ideas for helping ELL students find success in reading. There are great ideas, and since it's in Spanish and English you could refer parents to it and still be on the same page knowing what they're looking at.

  2. I believe your choice of On the Banks of the Amazon, En Las Orillas del Amazones by Nancy Kelly Allen is an excellent choice of literature. This book is great in that it engages all students. Effective teaching reaches all students and your english and spanish speaking students can connect to this book. I ran across this website last night as I was researching ELL teaching strategies:
    The five essential components of reading instruction was outlined for english language learners. A great resource for us all!

  3. your books sound like great choices- I like hearing of the second books' repetition of the first paragraph- that is a great way to create a sense of familiarity while reading the book and if the reader can understand that repeated text, they can feel more proficient.
